The National Apostolate of Maronites
Presents The 32nd Annual Spring Raffle - 2024
Only 450 Tickets are printed
Donation: $100 per ticket
This just may be the year your lucky number is chosen!!!!
$17,500.00 In Cash Prizes!!!
1st Prize - $10,000.00
2nd Prize - $3,000.00
3rd Prize - $2,000.00
4th Prize - $1,500.00
5th Prize - $1,000.00
Only 450 Tickets Printed - $100 Each
This year's drawing will be held on April 14st, 2024 at Our Lady Of Lebanon Church, Washington D.C.
Thank you for your support in previous years for this raffle fund-raiser, as it is an important part of the NAM annual budget. We are counting on your generosity once again, to support our community projects.
To purchase a personal ticket(s) or to help us in selling tickets please contact the National Office.
All requests and payments must be received by April 8th, 2023.
Payment types we accept:
Checks * Visa * Mastercard * American Express
For further information or to reserve tickets, please call or mail:
Julie Lattouf
5 Gilberts Way
Norton, MA 02766
phone: 773-986-9898